
Project Overview

From 1 July 2020, mandatory pre-approvals of therapeutic goods consumer advertising ended, moving to a new self-regulatory process. Consumer Health Products Australia (CHP Australia) stepped into support – offering a new independent compliance service run by dedicated experts to support with compliance needs, training, and advice.


When the TGAC moved to a self-regulatory system for consumer advertising of therapeutic goods in July 2020, Cube was required to persuade members, non-members, and broadcasters to use the new compliance advisory service, “AdCheck” when there was no legal requirement for them to do so.


Cube created a multi-layered campaign, including the development of a core video asset, earned and paid media and social media content.

Cube needed to show the complexities of compliance and demonstrate the risks involved in a self-regulated environment to drive members and non-members to use this voluntary paid service.


Great response across all industry, with product sponsors, agencies, and retailers all using the service.
Media coverage resulted in:

Reach of 40,000 across trade media
love web
30,000-page views from B&T and Mumbrella
Additionally, social content was distributed across all CHP Australia platforms, reaching over 1,000 social media users.
2,678 total impressions
Reached over 700 people
32 engagements